This Is Us Wiki

Tobias "Toby" Damon is a character on the tv series "This Is Us". Toby was Kate Pearson first husband, and the father of their two children: Jack and Hailey. Toby and Kate meet at a meeting for people who struggle with weight and eating disorders. Toby has a heart attack in episode 10. He also has surgery to repair a hole in his heart.

He and Kate get married at the Pearson family cabin in S2E18. After a procedure to assist fertility, Kate had their son Jack in the episode The Waiting Room.




Kate Pearson[]

He met Kate at a meeting for people who struggle with weight and eating disorders.

He and Kate get married at the Pearson family cabin in S2E18. After a procedure to assist fertility, Kate had their son Jack in the episode The Waiting Room.





Notes and Trivia[]

  • Toby's heart attack in Season 1 was planned by producers to happen right before the Christmas break, to fulfill the request of the NBC executives.
  • In S3E6, it is revealed Toby deals with major depression. This same episode shares a sampling of his backstory. He was in a serious funk from his last relationship before he attended an Overeaters Anonymous and met Kate Pearson. He has dealt with difficulties in his life with humor from an early age. His parents Mr. & Mrs. Damon (played by Dan Lauria and Wendie Malick) are negative people.
  • In S3E14, Toby's wearing a cap and gown typically used for doctoral graduates. It's unknown whether he actually holds a doctorate, or has just acquired doctoral robes for the occasion.



Episode Stills[]


"Y'all been sleeping on my boy Miguel. Miguel gets no love." Toby Damon (A Manny-Splendored Thing)


Template:Toby Damon Appearances
