This Is Us Wiki

Kyle is the third episode of the first season and the 3rd overall episode of This Is Us.

Short Summary[]

Rebecca encounters Randall's biological father when she makes a surprise visit to her son's home; Kevin decides to move to NYC to pursue a job on Broadway; and Toby plans a special day for Kate. In the past, Rebecca and Jack take their new babies home from the hospital and struggle to cope with the loss of a child.

Full Summary[]

A montage plays of young William that shows his life leading up to having and leaving Randall. Rebecca actually caught a glimpse of him leaving the hospital. Jack and Rebecca struggle to take care of their three kids, especially Randall, because they can’t help but see him as a replacement for the baby they lost. The original name they had picked out for the third kid was Kyle. Jack goes to a follow-up doctor’s appointment without Rebecca, because Rebecca said she needed a break. Jack is worried about her not acting like she loves her babies, but Doctor K tells him that she needs time to grieve. Secretly, though, Rebecca goes and tracks down William. They have a polite but tense conversation where Rebecca makes him promise not to try to get involved in the baby’s life. When Rebecca says she’s having trouble bonding with the baby, William suggests changing his name from Kyle to Randall, after Dudley Randall, the poet the baby’s mother liked.

Randall is moving heaven and Earth to help William get treated for cancer. But William is starting to feel guilty for taking so much from him after abandoning him as a baby. Everyone around Randall keeps saying how Randall is selfless to a fault and will destroy himself just to help other people.

Kevin, Kate, and Toby plan their move to New York so Kevin can get a job on Broadway. Toby hears Kate sing, and he tells her she needs to sing in front of people. She hates this idea, but Toby books a gig for a nursing home, and she does great. Kevin has a crisis of confidence, and because Kate is busy, he calls an ex of his called ‘Insane Elaine’ who ends up trashing his home. Kate ends up ditching Toby to help Kevin out, showing us how codependent the two of them can be. Kevin is appreciative, but he’s horrified that Kate ditched Toby for him. He lovingly chews her out and says she shouldn’t move to New York with him. So she calls Toby back and makes things up to him.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]



Song Performer Scene

Notes and Trivia[]

  • This episode scored million viewers.


Episode Stills[]


See Also[]

A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here.
