This Is Us Wiki

I Call Marriage is the fourteenth episode of the first season and the 14th overall episode of This Is Us.

Short Summary[]

Toby throws a wrench in Kate's weight loss journey. Randall struggles to accept his father's deteriorating health. Miguel and Shelly break some devastating news to Jack and Rebecca, which makes them worry about their own relationship. Rebecca receives an amazing work opportunity. Kevin examines his romantic past.

Full Summary[]

Miguel gives a toast at the Pearsons’ wedding. Years later, they go out to dinner with Miguel and his wife, who announce their divorce. Jack refuses to believe that they naturally drifted apart, because that would mean it’s possible for the same to be happening to him and Rebecca. Rebecca has been working late as a singer and gets an opportunity to perform on the road. She turns it down because she can’t leave her family. Not wanting to end up like Miguel, Jack sets up a romantic night out at their old apartment, where they reread their vows. Rebecca then tells Jack she wants to go perform on the tour.

Randall has a nightmare about William dying. He’s upset by the rest of the family preparing for end of life care. William teaches Tess to play chess for a school tournament, and he blows off dinner with a client to watch her win. This makes his boss give some of his clients to Sanjay because he thinks Randall can’t juggle them all by himself.

Kevin invites Sophie to their former favorite diner. But their reunion goes poorly. They recount how they separated: how Kevin moved to California, she stayed in New York, and the strain of a long distance relationship led Kevin to cheat on her. Sophie runs off, Kevin chases her, and they both end up trapped on a broken subway. They get a chance to genuinely reconnect, and although Sophie says she’s dating someone else, Kevin says he’ll be waiting for her at the diner the next day. The next day, she shows up.

Kate continues to work out at her weight loss retreat. Toby comes to visit and encounters Duke, the creepy employee who keeps flirting with Kate. This makes Toby decide to stay for the rest of the day. Kate is frustrated that he’s in her way, leading to an argument, where Toby says he’s been missing Kate, Kate apologizes, and Toby gives her an engagement ring. Later, Duke approaches Kate again and encourages her to cheat on Toby with him.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]



Song Performer Scene

Notes and Trivia[]

  • This episode scored million viewers.


Episode Stills[]


See Also[]

A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here.
